Saturday, January 07, 2006


hmm, what an interesting day. Work, kinda sucked...It's over . Well at least full days. I'm so busy lately, Work and band, and sobriety. It sure beats the alternative. Drunk and lost, with nothing, acting like it was everything. It's all I have for now.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Day Two

Today, was a little bit less stressful than yesterday. I got out on the road a little earlier, and did almost everything right except for leaving my clipboard at a client. I'm going there tomorrow in the hopes it will be there. I hit a meeting after. It was helpful to share. Man I used to be caught up in the vicious cycle they call alcoholism. It feels so good to be sleeping like a normal person. Having a little problem with the sponsor thing. The band has a gig on Saturday. Should be pretty good hopefully. It's money. This is my pay weekend. $720 dollars. A little more than I made in the past. I'm actually doing quite well. I'm a little hungry at the moment. Thinking about getting a calzone. I have $6 and some quarters. I'm ordering one....ok that's all

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Day One in Blogville

yes . I've heard about blogging for sometime, but I guess I didn't see the possibility in my life lately. I've had blogs before. They were quite helpful to some that read and could relate. So hey , here goes another go at it. I had very stressful day at work, I work for a file storage company. Followed by a nice dinner with other people I've met in recovery from alcoholism in Clifton Park . We had ziti, ice cream and talked. I felt connected, I shared some hope on getting bills paid. I got a call from Vince about a show Saturday. Two gigs were canceled and this kinda makes up for it. Big money weekend. Paycheck and gig-money. Ok I'm going to bed soon and hope I'm not late for work again.