Monday, January 23, 2006

What a Day

I woke up late, (went to bed late), and I didn't get my full 3 pages of writing in. I realized I had left my only coffee cup in the car. So outside I went to get it, I figured I'd start the car too. It was snowing. I was like oh great. So after a shower, I went to work. One of the vans was at the repair ehop. Originally the plan was to take all of the stops, it was soon changed to going to get the other van. So I slipped and slid with the rear wheel drive van, cursing the stupidity of a purchase such as this...Upon return to the home base, I loaded my stuff and went on my way, or tried. The parking lot was not plowed so a push from the boss followed. I struggled to keep this van on the road. My first stop was ok, the second, a nightmare. I attempted to drive up a ramp like driveway that was also unplowed. The back end of the van slid sideways and I ended up in a 180 degree position. I was not going anywhere. A girl walking her dog tried to help me , but I tried to listen, yet her words were almost obvious. Eventually after much stop and go, back up and move forward action. I got to go up the hill slowly. I turned around, and parked at the bottom of the driveway, realizing that I needed weight. I walked the hand truck up the driveway into the building. That was no picnic for no one was helping me. At least at first. After 14 boxes, I tried luck this time. I had already spent an hour there. I left. Each client I went to, thought I wasn't coming. I said a few things, quite honest that may come back to haunt me. but in a good way? I finally came back to the shop and picked a couple of orders. I went to lunch. I read the paper. Interesting stuff about a woman searching for files, that we have at our facility. A hospital that I was thinking on attending, costs $1000 a day. They might be being sued for neglect.....Cohoes has some issues.....well I do too. So here I am without a meeting. Without the unity, hoping I'll make it. I might....