Saturday, December 13, 2008

Things don't always go as planned

Especially today. I had a defensive driver course planned. It was in Waterford at 8:30 am. I set my alarm for 7:30 after going to bed kinda late. My cell phone alarm was ringing, and I was debating on whether or not to get up. If I go there and it's canceled due to the ice storm we had, I've wasted gas and time that I could be sleeping, if I get up, I could be missing a chance to clear up my license and get a driving job. I rolled out of bed and had coffee, I called my Dad to see if he got the check I sent him. He was kinda angry and I helped him with his complaint about the beginning movie on a computer game.
I had a crappy cup of coffee, and went to the bank after watching my freezing car warm up. I drove to the bank with ice still on my windshield. I arrived at the ATM and couldn't get my window open. I had to back up and get out in order to bust the frozen molding. I got money out and went to Waterford. I was running late, and knew I didn't really have time for another cup of coffee. I figured if I'm going to be in a class for 5 hours, I might want to get breakfast. Stewart's was packed!!!!! I was mad that I'm such a caffiene addict, mad that I applied here before and they never called me, or when I stopped to check on an application the boss wasn't there. I was mad because I didn't want to be late.
I made a left onto 6th street to head to 125 Middletown Road, only there was some downed power lines from the ice storm. I thought I could just make a right and drive parallel to it, then return to my destination. NOOOO. I turned around and went the other way, and had to go to almost the end. I drove all the way down long Fonda R.d. Made a right and came back down Midddletown. To finally get there at 8:45.
I was quite relieved that I was not the only one late. I was asked if I was there for Basketball or Defensive Driving. The course was canceled due to no heat or lights. They were going to try to have it, but no. SOOO Now that I'm up at 9 what the heck do I do? I'll see if Walmart is open. I bought a bag of icemelt after not finding it right away and walking around the store, and a shovel. I figured, hell I'll do the sidewalk. As I started I was greeted by one of the landlords, who gave me like a whole half a bag of icemelt. If I would have known they had some, I wouldn't have bought it. So other than the sidewalk, a bath, and this blog, it's about the only productive thing that happened today, oh and I read a little about the music business.