Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tuesday full of suprizes

Ok for one, I got a few calls in the morning. It was good because I've been wanting to get up early. So at 8:30 I was having coffee. I called my friend Dave back. We talked about doing animation. He's a great artist, and I'm an ok film maker. We talked about music.
I went out to my car, to clean my windows. I was visited by a National Grid person. I found out I owed $700 or so. I wasn't happy about it, seeing as I'm still paying off a loan for when it sky-rocketed out of control.
I then contacted my friend Dan, who was going South to Saugerties. I've had a friend's saxophones, along with a pedal board, that belonged to a friend. A friend who is now and has been in jail. The family is trying to raise money to get my friend out of jail. One Brother lives in Saugerties, so I gave the equipment to Dan to take to the Brother. I'll miss that pedal board. It had some good effects in it. I'd rather get my friend out of jail though.
I met Dan and his friend(and mine)Steve at Stewart's with the gear. I mentioned that I was auditioning for a band as a singer. I'm not used to just singing and I said I would feel naked without a guitar. He said once I do it, I'd love it.
I went back home and checked my bank balance. Turns out there was a check I deposited that was returned. It was a paycheck, from my part-time job as a delivery person. I had to call the place, and then call my bank twice. I got a call from a musician that is hiring me to do some bass tracks for a live recording in May. We talked for a bit. I talked to my friend Vince too for a bit. I initially thought it was his check that bounced. NOPE So this week I get two checks. I hope these are good.
I went on Facebook and posted something about me batting 1000 with all that was happening. I mentioned sales. My friend(who I'm not so sure is my friend sometimes) started saying how I need to get a real job. He made it sound like I was asking for people to feel sorry for me. That is not the case at all. He went on and on with these long winded posts, and people were like "huh?" One person asked why I was friends with him. I think he's a wet blanket. He thinks he's being helpful to me. I deleted everything after an audition for a really good band. I can't say what band it is, due to them having dates booked. I sang great, I flubbed some words though. I hope it doesn't count against me too much. I showed up on time, I had good attitude, I just knew songs that the band didn't. I screwed up every 2nd verse. AHHH I'll know on Monday what the deal is. Maybe they'll ask me back for a second thing? who knows.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday not as productive as I would have liked

I woke up at around Noon today. What a bummer. I struggled to get some work accomplished. I did do an ad for guitar lessons. I have one off of Western Ave in Albany. I put an ad on craigslist, to see if anyone in that area wanted to take guitar lessons. Nothing yet.
I received some replies today, from an ad I put up yesterday though. Seeing as I'm working on a screenplay, wanted to talk with writers. I found two people with similar interests. I made an amends today. I read a little bit of a business book. I came up with some ideas for short films.
I didn't do any sales for the studio today. I usually don't. That's reserved for tomorrow. I mostly hung out on Facebook. I talked to a friend about making a music video. She called me back and I helped her over an emotional hump. I went to the bank, and to the store. I read my friend's blog on the internet. It was a decent day actually. I just didn't get much work done for a Monday. Perhaps tomorrow will be better?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday again

Well, I had planned on getting up early today. My plan fell through as I woke up around 11am. I went on the internet as usual. I posted on Facebook about the success of the Fizziks gig Saturday Night. There were about 200 people at the show, which was kinda nerve racking. We did ok though. I managed to get some of the songs on video. I tried out this great Beyerdynamic mic by mounting it in the tent frame, dead center above the group. The sound is really good on it. The performance wasn't bad. It could have been better, but it shows what we need work on. I transferred the video to the computer and uploaded it to Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gS-qvCcYkXA . I sent an e-mail to the guys. I've only had one response so far. Most people on Facebook liked it. I did some cleaning up too. I cleared off my songwriting work station. I made some coffee. I took a bath and re-read a great book on goals and motivation. I read a few sales books, and a bit on negotiation. I tried to sell to a manager, turns out he already knows the studio guys. I know this from talking to one of the owners. I came up with a chart for band research and kind of market review. I e-mailed another band.
I then went onto the C.R.U.M.B.S. blog. It's a blog about the local music scene. I read an article about the Muddy Cup open mic night winning Best Open Mic, in the Metroland Reader's Poll. That was great news. I had gone there in 2007 to play music, and caught the comedy bug. I started to do regular open mic there when the place was not so compact as it is now. There's this other Open Mic with a marketing slogan "Best Open Mic Ever". I thought that was kinda pretentious. Who's the Best this year? Another underdog story....I love it
So another story on C.R.U.M.B.S, was about a local guy Kev Brock, that has quit the scene. Hmm, he was kind of inspiring in a way. I thought it strange seeing as he likes Sly Stallone. I posted on the site, I think unless they took it down. Because I just looked and didn't see it there. I said "what do you think would have happened if Sly quit? Then Rocky would have never came out....I said "You say what needs to be done as far as being professional(when most of his words were spelled wrong)yet you don't show us how it's done, you just quit? I said something about Rocky 2 where Mickey says "go back to the docks where you belong". I'm kind of upset that it's not up there. Did they not like it? Don't I have a say too? Was I too harsh?

Anyhow, I called Vince to get my pay from the gig last night. They usually cash the check at Pinhead Susans. They claimed there was too much money changing hands or something. So I had to either get a check from Vince or cash. He didn't answer the phone when I called, so I had to go get a check in Albany. So I made a plan.
I went to Taco Bell, then to Vince's. I turned around and went to Barnes and Noble. I bought two books. One on Creative writing, and one about Buzzmarketing. I think it might help my sales and get some buzz going about this blog, and the band, and detailing? Let's hope so.