Thursday, February 02, 2006

ok well....

Today was interesting. I went to work. Pretty easy morning. The afternoon was rough. Lots of boxes, got through it. Randy (neighbor) calls me, asks if I want to hit a meeting, and an open mic. It was very interesting. A small group of drunks, recovering that is, and then a nice vibe at the coffee house. We played "I Belive" and "come Talk To Me". Steve Candlen was the host. I remember him from the Saratoga Open Mics. coming up on nine months without a drunk. May 7th, solo drinking, three tall boys, loss of control, and then two more. Woke up with a hangover, I said, I can't do this.....thus the start of my journey.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


The band I've been playing in, is not making me happy. My upstairs neighbor, he's not happy with his. SO, we're looking for a drummer, and we think we've found one. Could be something great??? work kinda sucks. I didn't go to a meeting today....I did hear some good stuff online in the FOBW group. I get scared I'm slacking too much. I get depressed. I'm up way too late....all for now