Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Lethargy and Honesty


Well, I’m awake yet I feel like I could go back to sleep. I’m just a bit…blah. I even ate and thought that might help. It helped a little. I’m debating a nap. I’m not sure what the key is to energy. Seeing as I jump rope almost every day, I’m not smoking currently. I gave up drinking, I’m drinking juice. It puzzles me. I have a book I haven’t read yet on the subject. I made a to-do list, to clear the clutter I my head. When will the energy come?

  Perhaps I expect too much? does it come in increments? Maybe. I just brushed my teeth and poured a coffee. I feel a surging in my head on the top. It seems to have stopped. That was fast. I wondered if it was the caffeine?  Nope it’s back. I’m trying out this new program called Blog this…I’m typing in it right now.

The honesty part of this blog, is about me..looking at me. My behaviors if you will. One can’t grow, unless one sees the path he/she has been taking. Mine has been of anger, anxiety, and frustration. I am trying to not cast blame, and look inside. Only then change can happen