Sunday, July 11, 2010


I believe the proper term for what I am currently experiencing, is crisis. I do not say this out of lack of experience. I had been in one a few years ago. I was in counseling and I came across a book in a book store called..."Welcome to Your Crisis". I thought, wow, what a great book to have. I could finally put a name to what was happening. I certainly didn't want to be in one. Let me briefly describe, rent was overdue(still is) and climbing. Power was probably shut off or was about to be. I owed my Father some money, plus I had go into an accident, and didn't have a car. The economy was going into th toilet and almost everything I did, were luxury items to the marketplace. I was probably struggling with alcoholism as well. I always wanted to be a musician/writer and I wasn't doing much of that either. So here I am again, the only thing that is different is that I'm not drinking/smoking and trying to remain healthy. I certainly don't need a health crisis on top of all of it.