Wednesday, December 20, 2006


yes well, I just put a post on Judy Carter's blog. It said "nice blog but it's December now, please post" and I haven't posted since then.....pot thus calling the kettle black...ouch. SO I thought that I'd back up my statement with a blog. Today I went for a piss test, for a new job. I wasn't worried about failing.....this year....just worried about having enough piss. I'm gonna work in Albany. Maybe even get a part-time until then. Ihave an ongoing relationship with a beautiful young psyched cuz she likes me too. My neighbor is being a prick. My Dad is being nice. I am still kinda stressed, It's getting better. WHY was I people at old jobs being dysfunctional, and me not wanting to deal with them....quitting nd then being broke becasue I didn't stick up for myself. My psycho neighbor giving me the guilt trip because I didn't stick up for myself and how he thinks I'm a free loader.....just that kinda stuff