Saturday, September 15, 2007

I hate NY State

Hate is a strong word. Ok I don't use it much, unless I'm talking about the self-hate I have. A ticket on my car has triggered this. I'm not saying that the Police shouldn't do their jobs at all. What I'm saying is that the ticket is for a registration expiring in May. They could have given me another ticket for no inspection as well though they did not and I am grateful. I haven't paid the registration, due to a number of factors, including being bullied at work, quitting, not have a job for a month, getting denied unemployment, getting bullied at the new job, quitting there, getting denied unemployment again, falling into depression, getting hospitalized for it, missing two weeks of work because I got out and got sick. My job switched it's pay plan midstream and I lost a lot of money. I'm very far behind in my bills, and I fight depression on a constant basis from it.
In some countries like the UK if someone gets bullied, they could sue. I inquired about a law suit and basically was told "this is an employment at will state". If I could prove I was depressed due to my treatment, I could sue, I would have had to put in a Workman's comp case against ArchivesONE (who is now owned by Iron Mountain.) I went to counceling, because I thought that my PTSD , one of the side effects of bullying, might interfere with my abilities to get anything done. People do strange things during PTSD episodes. ask a combat Vet.
The councleor, while somewhat helpful, said she didn't feel I stressed. I stopped seeing her.
I'm getting no restitution for anything that happened to me. I've paid about $1000 in counceling, money I could have paid my rent with which is also behind. I've been getting threatened with eviction notices. The land lords are saying I owe more than I do.
SO Why I hate NY State? They don't have policies regarding bullying at work. Basically if they don't like you at work, they can remove you anyway they like. SO on top of the registration issue, I now have a $25 ticket to boot. I did go as far as getting the registration form, I just didn't have the VIN at the time, and never completed the process. That's my fault, the reason I'm in this mess is not. NY sucks, well just the fact that the law isn't in effect, and unemployment sucks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

11:18 AM  

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